Friday, July 31, 2009

Bethany Beach, Delaware

We had a great time visiting family out at the beach in Delaware.  We were able to see Paul's extended family, including Aunts and Uncles, cousins, and grandmother along with some of my family.  All in all it was a nice time to relax and catch up with people we had not seen since leaving in September of 06.

Our family

Casey (Cael's cousin) wanted to pull Cael in the wagon while we were visiting

Cael trying to ride a scooter with his cousin Caleb (Casey's older brother)

Cael with his cousins Reese and Mitchell

Joanna (Paul's sister), Megan, and Julie (Paul's sister) eating a slushy

The three of us with Paul's sister Joanna

Cael with his cousins, Nolan (13), Mitchell (8), and Reese (10) at the beach

Joanna (Paul's sister), Megan, and Nolan (Cael's cousin) celebrated birthdays

Cael loved riding the little car outside the shops at the beach 

Cael, Nana (Paul's mother), and Great Nana (Paul's grandmother)

I was able to find 3 clams while we were clamming

Cael picking up the little black snails in the water in the bay

Paul and his mother

Cael loved playing in the water in the bay while we were clamming

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